Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WINNER! in Chillie cook off

It was the Chillie cook off at Paul Revere Lodge last evening. 
7 entries in total, 6 from the host lodge and one import entry from
Wayfarers Lodge 1001... "WAYFARERS WINS"

Downunder Thunder made by Brother Colrain, was voted the best!
Beating out the previous winners entry.
"I guess Aussies can cook!"

Thank you to Paul Revere Lodge for the invitation, now where's my trophy?


  1. Well, now we know what you are good at - Look out uncle Joe

  2. We should do something like that one night. It was a load of fun. And not just because I won. Well yeah OK mostly because I won. But it would be a fun thing for our lodge to do too.

  3. Since I am new, I didnt know about the event. But look out Next time! I am from "Down Under" in the USA, I grew up on the Border and have a killer Southern Arizona Chili recipie. Look out! :-)


  4. Bring on the contest Bill. I welcome a challenge! Chat soon mate! Maybe Wayfarers could do the same thing one night!


Thank you for taking your time to share your thoughts/Pictures with us. We welcome all your input. Thank you-